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Haoyu JiaAbout 458 wordsAbout 2 minEnglish



Education Background

UniversityChina University of Petroleum (East China)University of Tokyo
SchoolSchool of ScienceGraduate School of Information Science and Technology
MajorData Science and Big Data TechnologyCreative Informatics
Average Grades87.67(Enrolled in 2024)

Major Competition Awards

2021National College Robot Competition (RoboMaster)National First Prize

Major Projects

2023DDPG in Reinforcement Learning: An Improved Model• In walker-2d scenario, reached around 30% increase in learning speed and 86.49% increase in scores.
Winner of the Outstanding Graduation Thesis Prize.
2021Object detection system based on OpenCV• Contains an innovative CUDA filter to reduce the time consumption from 82ms to 4ms. Based on Gaia Framework.
Contributed to the 2021 RoboMaster National First Prize.
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2021Gaia Framework: robot software development platform• ROS-like platform, based on micro-service model, provides UI utilities support. Use Redis as configuration server and message queue. Boost regular robot system development period from 3 moths to 1 month.
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2021Object detection system for industrial robot arms• Detection system for industrial arms to customized the pipeline operations with a visualized control panel.
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2022Prism: a dynamic code weaving framework for C#• This library provides a framework for run-time IL weaving, and implementation modules of AOP, Dependency Injection, RPC based on this framework.
Received more than 9.7k downloads in total on NuGet.
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2022Nebula: robot software development libraries set• Introduces most frequent used techniques in web development (e.g., auto dependency injection) into robot software development.
Received more than 10k downloads in total on NuGet.
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2022gRPC-OOPModel• Introduce OOP model in to tradition gRPC remote procedure call application development.
Received more than 10k downloads in total on NuGet.
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2022Shadow code: an Android application system for Covid-19 exposure alert• Use Bluetooth-BLE to scan and record exposure history. Data processing server is built on Microsoft Azure micro-service platform.
Winner of the Outstanding Prize in 2022 Shandong Province College Software Development Competition.
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